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Figure 1 | BMC Medical Genetics

Figure 1

From: Telomerase activity in human leukemic cells with or without monosomy 7 or 7q-

Figure 1

CGH analysis of chromosome 7 in the 7q- samples and FISH analysis of the relevant regions on chromosomes 3, 5 and 7. A. CGH analysis of pooled DNA from the 7q- samples hybridized against control DNA from a normal male donor. The CGH profile for chromosome 7 is shown. A deletion is seen in the 7q31 region as indicated on the idiogram. B. Triple color hybridization for 7CEN/D7S522, hTERT, and hTR. 7CEN (orange arrows) and hTR (yellow arrows) appear in green. In the microscope the hTR signal was bright and clearly visible, but in the present representation it appears weak due to the auto exposure in the green channel being governed by the stronger 7CEN signal (compare with panel D). Both D7S522 (orange arrows) and hTERT (red arrows) appear red in this representation. In the microscope, each of the two probes appeared in its recognizable reddish color, but the difference could not be reproduced here. C. Dual color hybridization of hTERT (red) and chromosome 7 probes (green centromere juxtapositioned with red 7S522). While both hTERT loci are labeled, one chromosome 7 has only a centromere signal, and not a 7q31 signal. D. Dual color hybridization of the hTR and hTERT probes showing two signals for each probe. This was the general finding in all 65 samples. In the absence of the green centromere 7 signal the hTR probe is clearly visible after auto exposure.

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