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Table 5 Stratified analysis of the effect conferred by the CTLA4 CT60, JO31 and JO27-1 variants

From: The CTLA4 variants may interact with the IL23R- and NOD2-conferred risk in development of Crohn's disease


defined using the p.Arg381Gln polymorphism 1)

CT60 (rs3087243),

A carriage rate

(genotypes A/G, A/A)

JO31 (rs11571302),

T carriage rate

(genotypes G/T, T/T)

JO27-1 (rs11571297),

G carriage rate

(genotypes A/G, G/G)

Haplotype "ATG" 4



   cases, n = 21

10 (48%)

10 (48%)

10 (48%)


   controls, n = 50

42 (84%)

40 (80%)

40 (80%)


   OR (95%CI) 2)

0.23 (0.07-0.71)

0.26 (0.08-0.85)

0.24 (0.07-0.79)

0.30 (0.11 - 0.81)

IL23R "wt/wt"


   cases, n = 312

214 (69%)

224 (72%)

227 (73%)


   controls, n = 432

276 (64%)

292 (68%)

296 (69%)


   OR (95%CI) 2)

1.26 (0.91-1.74)

1.22 (0.87-1.71)

1.21 (0.86-1.69)

1.20 (0.96 - 1.51)

Heterogeneity between

IL23R -defined strata 3)

p = 0.0061

p = 0.011

p = 0.011

p = 0.030

  1. Strata of the risk conferred by the p.Arg381Gln polymorphism of the IL23R gene: the effect of CTLA4 is apparent in the stratum with an IL23R- associated protective effect
  2. 1) IL23R "-": homozygote or heterozygote for the IL23R p.381Gln allele; IL23R "wt/wt": wild-type homozygote at the p.Arg381Gln polymorphism. The IL23R "-" category is associated with a decreased risk of OR = 0.58, 95%CI 0.32 - 1.00 as compared to the "wt/wt" category.
  3. 2) OR for the effect of the polymorphism in the specific stratum (IL23R "-" or IL23R "wt/wt"), adjusted for the effect of p.Leu1007fsX1008, p.Gly908Arg, and p.Arg702Trp in the NOD2 gene. Results significant at p < 0.05 are in bold.
  4. 3) heterogeneity in the effect conferred by the CTLA4 polymorphisms was assessed between IL23R-defined strata using the Mantel-Haenszel test of homogeneity.
  5. 4) The implemented expectation-maximization algorithm did not allow individual imputation and counting of haplotypes.