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Fig. 3 | BMC Medical Genetics

Fig. 3

From: Neuronal migration genes and a familial translocation t (3;17): candidate genes implicated in the phenotype

Fig. 3

FISH analyses. a FISH results from patient II-7 using commercial Miller Dieker/Lissencephaly region probe set: (Lsi LIS1: Red and Lsi RARA: Green) showing the absence of the red fluorescence signal on the arrowed der(17), suggesting that the LIS1 gene is deleted. b FISH results from mother using the same commercial probe, demonstrating the translocation of terminal material from 17p to chromosome 3p (green arrow). c FISH results from patient II-2 using the commercial Miller Dieker/Lissencephaly region probe set showing the presence of three red fluorescence signal on the arrowed der(3) and the two arrowed chr 17, confirming that the LIS1 gene is duplicated

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