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Fig. 2 | BMC Medical Genetics

Fig. 2

From: Two novel C-terminal frameshift mutations in the β-globin gene lead to rapid mRNA decay

Fig. 2

Restoring of original open reading frame rescues of transgene-encoded HBB mRNA. a Schema of HBB transgenes (b) Northern blot analysis of HBB mRNA encoded by transgenes. RNA (2 μg per sample) isolated from parental 293 cells and their stable transgenic derivatives was resolved by size using gel electrophoresis, transferred to membrane and HBB transcripts were detected using radiolabeled probe complementary to exon 2. Lower panels shows RNA methylene blue staining as a loading control. RNA from 4 independent sets of experiments was analyzed. Numbers at the bottom show relative level of the shorter HBB mRNA isoform. Signal from 18S rRNA was used for normalization. For a given experiment wild-type sample was regarded as 1

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