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Figure 5 | BMC Medical Genetics

Figure 5

From: A mutation in the H/ACA box of telomerase RNA component gene (TERC) in a young patient with myelodysplastic syndrome

Figure 5

mutTERC did not colocalize with dyskerin or Cajal bodies. Telomerase-defective VA13 cells were transfected with either pcDNA3-wtTERC (A and C) or pcDNA3-mutTERC (B and D) together with pcDNA3-Flag-TERT and subjected to RNA FISH combined with immunofluorescence. wtTERC or mutTERC was labeled with Cy3-conjugated probes (red, A-D), Cajal bodies and dyskerin were stained with anti-Coilin antibody (green, A and B) and anti-dyskerin antibody (green, C and D), respectively. Nucleus was stained with DAPI (blue, A-D).

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