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Figure 1 | BMC Medical Genetics

Figure 1

From: Re-sequencing of the APOAI promoter region and the genetic association of the -75G > A polymorphism with increased cholesterol and low density lipoprotein levels among a sample of the Kuwaiti population

Figure 1

An electropherogram of the 435 bp sequence data for the promoter region at the APOAI gene locus generated by the reverse primer. The peaks represent the various nucleotides detected which are discriminated by the fluorescent color. The blue box on top is the quality assurance (95%) of the base call. The SNPs genotyped are indicated with and an arrow at positions −75, +83, +84 on the figure. The red and yellow box shown above the arrow had quality assurance <95% as a result of heterozygosity at those positions and was confirmed by sequence alignment with the sequence generated by the forward primer. The Kuwaiti individual in the figure was genotyped as a heterozygote GA for rs670, CT for rs5069 and homozygote GG for rs1799837. This sequence has been deposited along with the other 548 in the NCBI Genbank ( with accession number [JX438706].

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