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Figure 2 | BMC Medical Genetics

Figure 2

From: SNPs and real-time quantitative PCR method for constitutional allelic copy number determination, the VPREB1 marker case

Figure 2

Schematics of the VPREB1 gene 22q11.2 region. A) Genomic sequence of VPREB1 gene. B) VPREB1 mRNA sequence (NM_007128.2), intron sequence was represented with a black line, dotted ends indicated untranslated regions. C) PCR products resulting from Set 1 and Set 2 primers amplification. D) CGH-array VPREB1 probe. E) VPREB1 Weksberg's primers and relative qPCR product. F) Locations of SNPs, the rs1320 polymorphism is highlighted with a (*). For A-E, the number on the right indicates the base pairs present in each relative segment.

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